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ALSOC Day Celebrations 2019

As we approach November, we come closer to 10th of November, one of the most special days in the ALSOC annual calendar – ALSOC DAY.
As we have in the past few years, this year we will be marking the occasion in two ways:
1. On 8th of November, ALSOC will address a special assembly of the SXCS students. We will speak about the uniqueness of the Xaverian culture and ethos and how it has impacted us throughout our life.
The assembly will start at 8 am sharp and will be followed by breakfast.
2. On the 10th of November, there will be the traditional ALSOC delegation to Dhyan Ashram.
All ALSOC members are requested to join us at both the occasions.
Here are the messages from our event co-convenors Mr. Siddhartha Parasampuria and Mr. Anindya Tarafder
ALSOC DAY Assembly with School Students on 8th November 2019 
ALSOC DAY is celebrated every year to pay homage to Rev. Fr. Camille Bouche and other Rev Fathers. Old Boys observe his birth anniversary on the 10th of November every year as ALSOC DAY. 
Rev. Fr. Camille Bouche landed at St. Xavier’s in 1948. He became a Jesuit Priest in 1955 and has since been teaching at the School. Rev. Fr. Bouche had been Father Prefect at the School from 1960 to 1986 before becoming the Headmaster of the School for 5 years. He loved his students and his students loved him. Countless Xaverians fondly remember his as a guiding force during their formative years. He was known as “an institution within an institution.”
Under the guidance and with the support of our Rev. Fathers, ALSOC Day will be celebrated this year on the 8th of November with the Senior School Assembly including all Teachers, Students, Rev. Fathers and ALSOC members. 
7.45 am – Students gather on the School Grounds
8.00 am – Special School Assembly for ALSOC Day.
8.20am – Fellowship Breakfast 
Dhyan Ashram Visit on ALSOC DAY 10th November 2019
Dhyanashram – the Jesuit retreat situated at Poilan near Joka on Diamond Harbour  Road about 20  kms from SXCS in South 24 Parganas is an oasis of peace and tranquillity –  a Jesuit centre for spiritual learning and meditation. It houses the residence of the Jesuits Novitiate & Juniorate and also the resting place of the Jesuit Fathers who have left for their heavenly abode.
St Xavier’s has a glorious past and tradition which challenges the present to deliver world class leaders and personalities; to stand out and bring about change within & to the outside world.  As part of this tradition, our nurturing years are carved out by the  selfless contribution of the Jesuit Fathers who are the back bone on which our institution rests. ALSOC exists to fulfil this commitment to serve without counting the costs and to be a support group for the fraternity.
Alsoc Day was conceived on a visit on 5th March 2002 – the day Fr Bouche’ passed away –  to the hallowed grounds of Dhyanashram to ensure a link and an understanding of the values and ethos of the Jesuit monastic life. The sacred ground is worshipped by Xaverians across the globe for the dear Fathers who dedicated the lives for generations of Xaverians, lie in peace at Dhyanashram.
Since 2007, on 10th November ( birth day of Fr Camille Bouche’, one of the most venerated and loved Jesuit priest who served St Xavier’s for over 30 years ) every year  Alsoc members visit Dhyanashram in the early morning hours  to pay their homage and respect to the many Jesuit priests who lie in eternal peace at Dhyanashram by lighting candles, offering flowers and garlands, singing & reciting prayers and songs of illustrious poet alumnus Rabindranath Tagore!
This year’s programme is as follows:
Assembly at  30 Park Street  Gate    –  7.30  am
Departure by cars (pooled within our resources  and contacts)  8.00 am 
Homage to the Fathers at Dhyanashram  –    9.30 am- 10.30 am 
Tea & snacks at the Canteen at Dhyanashram with the resident Fathers.
11 am – we leave Dhyanashram for the city .
Address : Dhyanashram, Diamond Harbour Road, Konchowki , Bishnupur , South 24 Parganas Pin code: 743503 

ALSOC Day on the 6th of November 2015

Dear Members

DSC_5824We are delighted to inform you that under the guidance and with the support of our Rev Fathers, Alsoc Day will be celebrated with the Assembly of the entire Senior School including all teachers and students. The program envisages paying homage to Rev Fr Camille Bouche and celebrating ALSOC Day on the 6th of November 2015 at St. Xavier’s School grounds at 8.00 am. Rev. Fr. Bouche was and remains a legendary guiding light and moving spirit of the School. He shaped and touched the lives of all those he came in touch with and what better way to celebrate his Birthday than with the School Boys who were so dear him. Please note the change of date this year given the school holiday on 10 November 2015 on account of the festive season.

We are also very pleased that this year eminent Industrialist and Alsoc Governing Body member, Mr. Sanjiv Goenka, has very kindly consented to address the Assembly on behalf of Alsoc.

A Free Health Check Up Camp after the School hours for interested members, teachers and the staff of our school apart from other deserving and challenged sections of Society has also been arranged.

Program details are as below :

8.00 am – celebrate Alsoc Day including paying homage to Fr Bouche –
Rev Fathers, Alsoc members, Teachers and Students at School field.
8.30 am – Breakfast for the Rev Fathers and Alsoc members at the Main Parlour.
2.30 pm – 5.00 pm Free Health Check Up Camp at the Gymnasium

We look forward to seeing you on the 6th morning
Warm Regards

Aditya Lodha
Hon. Secretary


Alsoc Day

Dear Members,

For the First time with the Assembly of the entire School we will Pay homage to Rev. Fr. Camille Bouche and celebrate ALSOC Day on the 10th of November 2014 at St. Xavier’s School grounds. The Late Rev. Fr. Bouche — the guiding light and the moving spirit of the old boys’ association — was the prefect, headmaster and the president of ALUMNORUM SOCIETAS or Alsoc. Rev. Fr. Bouche was very popular among School boys, and what better way to celebrate his Birthday than with the School Boys.

A Talk and Interaction session will be held with Dr. Kunal Sarkar for Alsoc members at the Main Parlour. Dr. Sarkar an Alumni member and a Cardiologist will be talking about Health issues relevant for Alsoc members.

There will be a Free Health Check Up Camp in memory of Rev. Fr. Bouche after the School hours. Some of the check up facilities being provided by Dr Kunal Sarkar from Medica will be Body Weight, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, ECG. Dr Sarkar is also arranging some follow up discounts for the patients.


Program details are as below:
8.00 am – Paying Tribute to Late Rev. Fr. Bouche (Rev. Fathers, Teachers, Alsoc members and Students)
8.30 am – Talk & Interaction Session with Dr. Kunal Sarkar for Alsoc members at the Main Parlour followed by Breakfast
2.30 pm to 5.00 pm – Free Health Camp up Camp at the Gymnasium

Request you to attend the Alsoc Day program and look forward to your confirmation to the Alsoc office to enable us to make the necessary arrangements.



Alsoc Day

The guidance, inspiration and mentorship of the departed souls of various Rev. Fathers who had built, shaped and guided Alsoc is remembered on Alsoc Day.

To commemorate the memory of and pay homage to Rev. Fr. Camille Bouche in a meaningful way a FREE HEALTH CHECK UP CAMP was organized on ALSOC day. This took place at St. Xavier’s School Gym under the leadership of Mr. Kalyan Chowdhury with the support of Dr. Kunal Sarkar. It was targeted not only at senior members but also deserving and underprivileged sections of society. Apart from the Staff of the School the parents of children studying in the evening school were invited and many senior citizens including those from an old age home got the benefit of this new and satisfying initiative. The camp was sponsored by R. N. Tagore Hospital. About 150 people including Rev. Fathers, Alsoc members, members from old age home, school staff, Titli/Evening school children and their parents came for check up. Dr. Ananda Chanda and his group rendered Rabindra Sangeet in homage to Rev. Fr, Bouche and other departed Fathers.